Rapid Prototyping Services

We are proud to offer rapid prototyping services, which is the process of creating a custom part entirely from scratch with a short lead time. Projects we’ve helped our clients to fabricate in the past range from developing invention ideas for individuals, to producing custom tools for corporations to increase efficiency. While rapid prototyping is our area of expertise, manufacturing is our foundation, and we are always available to offer our engineering consultancy expertise. In some cases clients come to us with only a problem and ask us to design a custom solution from there.

Here’s an example of how helpful our rapid prototyping services can be. A client came to us stating that while installing radiology equipment, the wires frequently became entangled, adding significant time and headache to the task at hand. We were able to design them a custom 3D printed prototype which is used to keep wires organized and in-place while installing radiology equipment. Our client was overjoyed with the results and reported that it significantly helped to reduce the amount of time it took to install equipment. Our client was gracious enough to send us a picture of the custom prototype being used, which can be shown here.

Feel free to contact us to get started on your next prototyping project